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John you're still in the hearts of those you loved and those who loved you
Sadly missed by all the family and all of your friends
Gail and family :
Candle fn_12
Left by Gail and family :
Missing you lots. Have you got a chippy on your shoulder yet.
Your loving wife, Kathy
Kathy :
Candle fn_3
Left by Kathy :
We See You

We see you in the morning Sun peeping mischievously over the horizon of life.

We see you in each drifting cloud transformed from sea to mist

We see you in each candle flame as we hold you in our hearts.

We see you in the feather that brings us back to earth.

We feel you in the rain drops that saturate us with love.

We see you in the waves that are reunited with the sea

We see you reflected in the moon in the night sky shining with your luminous presence.

We see you in the leaf of each tree reborn each spring.

We see you in the rainbow that reminds us to smile.

We see you in the unfurling of each petal alive with your essence.

We hear you in the morning song that awakens us from our slumber.

We see you in the caterpillar reborn as a butterfly.

We know that you are alive in our cells, present in our heart and soul.

We sense you in the atoms that spin deep within us and the cosmos

We feel you in the eternal breath of our existence.

We see you reflected in the celestial stars,

you are the spark that ignites the touch paper of our collective soul.

From your loving Daughter Susan, brother Tony and the late Julie 🥰
Susan Jickells:
Candle fn_3
Left by Susan Jickells:
Tribute photo for John Andrew JICKELLS
Violet Savannah Freedman
Left by Susan Jickells:
Tribute photo for John Andrew JICKELLS
Oscar Usman. Nova’s brother
Left by John Jickells :
My dear Dad
Five years Dad. We see the essence of you everywhere. We feel your love and guidance, you are still part of us Dad
We are all one
John Jickells :
Tribute photo for John Andrew JICKELLS
John with his sister Valerie
Left by John Jickells :