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Alternative Indie Songs to Play at a Funeral

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Published 26/06/2023
by Richard Howlett
Previously I wrote an article suggesting some alternative rock songs that could be played at a funeral, and you can read that here. Since then, as I’ve been listening to music while I work, I’ve found myself mentally compiling another list, this time with a selection of great indie bands.

So, here are seven alternative indie songs that you could play at a funeral (or anytime!)

The Funeral by Band of Horses

This song is actually about not enjoying overhyped social occasions, and compares them to attending a funeral. Regardless of that, it has proved to be a popular alternative indie song to play at a funeral, and I guess that has an interesting kind of irony to it.

Afterlife by Arcade Fire

As the title suggests, this song ponders about the afterlife and what that might be, as well as asking “when love is gone, where does it go?” It has a synth pop sound which makes for a different vibe to a lot of the other songs on this list.

I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab For Cutie

I love this song. It is both incredibly simple, and yet incredibly powerful. The message is crystal clear and is essentially about love, and about being there for a person no matter what, even if that is to be there for them in the next life.

Do You Realize?? by The Flaming Lips

With a sound that is somehow both haunting and upbeat, this song tells you not to just wait to say ‘goodbye’ when the time comes, but to make the most of the limited time that we have on this Earth.

Asleep by The Smiths

The Smiths wrote so many songs about death that I think I’d be remiss to leave them off this list. The particular song I’ve chosen is probably the most sullen of my song choices so far, and would have to be a very personal one as the message in the song comes from the person who has passed away.

Eulogy by Frank Turner

At just around a minute and a half long, this song still manages to pack a lot in. Starting with its slow funeral procession sound and building to a huge crescendo, it sends the message that whatever the person accomplished in life is enough, as long as they made a go of it. Just be warned, there is one very loud swear word in the song.

Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens

This song is a story about someone finding out that someone close to them is dying, so they recall some happy memories of their time together, whilst also acknowledging how helpless they feel in not being able to do anything. There are some religious references in this one, so it might not be suitable for everyone.

Let me know if you have any more suggestions of great indie songs that could be played at a funeral. I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
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